Tuesday 7 May 2019

The Cost of Parental Stress

Parents endorse the idea that child-centered, time-intensive, hands-on parenting is best. But while enrichment is great for kids, it can come at a cost if it comes with stress.

A Remarkable Convergence

Is the divisiveness of social life making you cynical? Read this story for a glimpse of a better future.

Monday 6 May 2019

Perseverance Cultivates Purposefulness and Boosts Resilience

Perseverance may keep depression, anxiety, and panic disorders at bay, according to new findings from a recently published 18-year-long study.


Do This One Thing to Feel Happier

Want to be happier? This counter-intuitive approach can help.


Is Sleep Deprivation Hurting Your Love Life?

A growing body of research suggests that some relationship troubles can be fixed by a good night's sleep.


Learning to Be Dishonest

The more you lie, the more you change your brain—as well as who you are.

Screens, Teens, and Happiness: A Surprising Relationship

As I testified before the Washington State of House of Representatives, the relationship between screens and mental health is very complicated.

The New Face of Anxiety

Technology has introduced formidable challenges to treatment. It has also inspired a more intense focus from mental health professionals. Promisingly, new techniques have emerged.


Artificial Intelligence Reveals What the Brain Wants to See

New Harvard Medical School research uses artificial intelligence to see what the biological brain wants to see.


How Language Shapes the Brain

The ascent of Japan’s Emperor Naruhito offers a lesson in the neuroscientific power of words.


It's Not Just Hype: Gratitude Helps Improve Your Life

The science of gratitude reveals how feeling grateful can change your life. Here are 3 easy ways to get started.


Distracted Driving and Cellphones: What Are the Risks?

How dangerous is it to take your eyes off the road while distracted by a cellphone—and who is more likely to do it anyway? New research provides some clues.


What Causes Contentment?

We're designed to be in balance


6 Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem and Why It’s Important

Do you avoid asking for help, even when you really need it, because you don't want to bother anyone? A self-esteem boost can make it easier to get what you need and deserve.


The Power of “I Don’t Know”

 Great leaders don't have all the answers.

Why Men Are Falling in Love With Self-Care

A new survey suggests that men's interest in self-care is on the rise.

The Cost of Parental Stress

Parents endorse the idea that child-centered, time-intensive, hands-on parenting is best. But while enrichment is great for kids, it can com...